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The International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) issued IFRS 9 Financial Instruments on 24 July 2014 with a mandatory effective date of 1 January 2018.

The IASB supports consistent application of the Standard in many ways. You can follow the links to read information about supporting activities. This includes educational material prepared since the Standard was issued and information about the activities of the Transition Resource Group. In addition, Agenda Decisions published by the Interpretations Committee that relate to this Standard can be found by expanding the link below.

Transition Resource Group

On 22 August 2014, the IASB announced the formation of the Transition Resource Group for Impairment of Financial Instruments (ITG), to provide support on implementation issues arising on the new impairment requirements following the issue of IFRS 9. The ITG had one introductory call in 2014 and three meetings during 2015. Only one issue was raised with the IASB as a result of those meetings. The IASB noted the issue but observed that the requirements of IFRS 9 were clear and consequently no further action was considered necessary.

IFRS Interpretations Committee

The Interpretations Committee has considered some stakeholders’ questions related to the Standard.

The Interpretations Committee explains in an agenda decision why it has not proposed a standard-setting project for the work plan. In many cases, agenda decisions also explain how the applicable principles and requirements in IFRS Standards apply to the transaction or fact pattern that prompted a review of the Standard.

For more information visit the IFRS Transition Resource Group for Impairment page.

Date Document

No meetings of the ITG have been planned for 2018. However, the group will remain in place and stakeholders may continue to submit potential implementation issues by following the submission guidelines. Further meetings will be convened if circumstances warrant it.