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Harness the power of standards

Licensing allows an organisation to enhance its products and services by incorporating IFRS® Sustainability Standards into its workflow. Why not join leading companies who are already harnessing the power of IFRS Standards?

Many organisations—but most especially asset managers, data and research firms, consultants and providers of software for corporate reporting—can more readily utilise sustainability-related financial disclosures. By licensing IFRS S1, IFRS S2, SASB Standards and/or the Sustainable Industry Classification System® (SICS®), you too can focus your processes and products on the sustainability information that matters most to investors.


The trusted resource of teams including:

Why license IFRS Sustainability Disclosure Standards?

  • Investor focus—To provide investors with industry-specific, comparable and decision-useful insights.
  • Easier integration—To access IFRS Standards in a format that is seamlessly integrable into your systems, products and services.
  • Market leadership—To stay ahead as jurisdictions globally move towards mandating or aligning with ISSB Standards, preparing your offerings for future compliance.
  • Updated information—To continuously receive updated content as IFRS Standards evolve, ensuring your systems are easily maintained and up to date.

The ISSB Standards can be used for free for personal non-commercial purposes, such as preparing corporate disclosures. Any other use, such as their integration into reporting software, investment analysis, data services and product development, is not permitted without a separate licence from the IFRS Foundation. 

Get started with licensing

The IFRS Foundation offers many licensing options to ensure that each licensee can access the content that best supports its own products or services. Content that may be licensed includes IFRS S1, IFRS S2, SASB Standards and the Sustainable Industry Classification System® (SICS®). To learn more or to select a package that meets your needs, contact us.

Licensing for jurisdictional use

If you are a jurisdictional authority (for example, a national standard-setter, regulator, government body or a stock exchange), explore how IFRS Sustainability Disclosure Standards and SASB Standards can enhance your reporting framework. Contact our Translation, Adoption and Copyright team for more information.

Licensee access to the SASB Standards Navigator and Materiality Map

Organisations licensing the SASB Standards also have access to:

  • the SASB Standards Navigator, an online portal that allows users quickly to view and filter the SASB Standards; and
  • the SASB Materiality Map, which portrays how 26 general sustainability issues manifest across 77 industries.

If you work for a licensing organisation and would like access to the above resources, please fill out this form.

Learn more

Read for further details about the Foundation’s licensing products:

How do IFRS S1 and SASB Standards work together?

SASB Standards help companies meet the requirements in IFRS S1

IFRS S1 requires a company to disclose material information about all the sustainability-related risks and opportunities that could reasonably be expected to affect the company’s prospects.

To help companies meet these requirements, the ISSB requires companies applying IFRS S1 to refer to and consider the SASB Standards for topics beyond climate (which is covered by IFRS S2). The SASB Standards are currently used by over 3,500 companies in over 80 jurisdictions. They cover a full range of industries and require the disclosure of information that is tailored to the needs of investors. In so doing, SASB Standards provide a cost-effective way for companies to provide investors with information that is useful and comparable. Furthermore, enhancing the SASB Standards is a priority for the ISSB in its current phase of work.