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To help stakeholders stay up to date and engage with the work of the International Accounting Standards Board, the International Sustainability Standard Board and the IFRS Interpretations Committee, the IFRS Foundation produces podcasts where we summarise and discuss the latest developments, meetings and project developments.

If you would like to be alerted by email whenever we produce a new podcast, you can do so by choosing the relevant follows in the dashboard. Most podcasts are about our projects, so follow 'Standards Development'. If you choose to follow specific Standards you will be alerted to podcasts relevant to those Standards. You will need to be a registered user of the website to do so.

Our podcasts can also be found on YouTube and Spotify.

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IASB podcasts

Every month, after the monthly meeting of the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB), the IFRS Foundation produces a podcast.

The podcasts summarise the IASB's discussions and some of the key decisions taken, and provide a bit of context: why is the IASB working on this project, what was the focus of the latest IASB discussion, and what are the next steps? They also give an update on other key events.

The podcasts are typically between 15 and 20 minutes long and normally feature IASB Chair Andreas Barckow, IASB Vice-Chair Linda Mezon-Hutter and IASB Executive Technical Director Nili Shah.

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