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The IFRS Foundation is exploring options for introducing an epub service, in line with our commitment to reduce printed publications over the coming years.

We are keen to ensure that we continue to provide stakeholders and customers with the best platforms to access the Standards. The epub initiative is expected to build on other digital offerings on our website, including the Standards Navigator and the IFRS Sustainability Knowledge Hub.

We are seeking feedback on the current service, and input on possible new products and their features. This is aligned to how we approached stakeholder and customer feedback when seeking input for the design of the IFRS Standards Navigator.

Completing the survey should take no more than 10 minutes.

By completing this survey you agree and acknowledge that the Foundation may use the data you provide to assist in understanding stakeholder views on an electronic publications service. The Foundation will treat any personal data in accordance with data protection legislation. Any data provided will be retained for the life of the Foundation as a record. If you have any queries regarding the survey, please contact the IFRS Foundation at