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After undertaking user research to understand more about how our users interact with, we have made updates to the main menu and the project work plan.

Why have we made these changes?

In 2022 the IFRS Foundation transformed from an organisation with a single standard-setting board to an organisation with two boards—the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) and the International Sustainability Standards Board (ISSB). We also announced the consolidation with the Value Reporting Foundation (VRF) and the Climate Disclosure Standards Board (CDSB).

This transformation means we need to support the information needs of a wider range of website users. We undertook user research in order to better understand how to support this wider range of users. The results highlighted areas for improvement over both the short- and long-term.

The specific changes we’ve implemented reflect this feedback.

What changes will you see?

The primary change is to our main menu. The menu now consists of three main sections, reflecting the IFRS Foundation, IFRS Accounting and IFRS Sustainability. This new structure provides increased clarity for our different users, and each section contains all relevant information. We have not removed any content from the site.

We have also adapted our work plan to reflect the new menu structure. If you wish to sort by category of project (such as standard-setting or maintenance), this is still possible using the sort function in each column.

Next steps

We would appreciate your feedback on the changes to the main menu. Complete this survey to give us your thoughts. Privacy information is below.

We plan to launch new features, functionality and updates to the site in the future.

Your privacy is very important to us. Your responses will be anonymous, and won’t be shared with anyone in a way that can identify you. By completing this survey you agree and acknowledge that the IFRS Foundation (the Foundation) may use the data you provide to assist the Foundation in understanding stakeholder views on

Your data will not be shared with any third parties. The Foundation will handle any personal data in accordance with data protection legislation. Any data provided will be retained for the life of the Foundation as a record.

If you have any questions regarding the handling of your personal data, please contact