The International Accounting Standards Board (Board) has today issued narrow-scope amendments to IAS 1 Presentation of Financial Statements to clarify how to classify debt and other liabilities as current or non-current.
The amendments aim to promote consistency in applying the requirements by helping companies determine whether, in the statement of financial position, debt and other liabilities with an uncertain settlement date should be classified as current (due or potentially due to be settled within one year) or non-current. The amendments include clarifying the classification requirements for debt a company might settle by converting it into equity.
The amendments clarify, not change, existing requirements, and so are not expected to affect companies’ financial statements significantly. However, they could result in companies reclassifying some liabilities from current to non-current, and vice versa; this could affect a company’s loan covenants. Thus, to give companies time to prepare for the amendments, the Board has set the effective date at January 2022. Early application of the amendments is permitted.
Access Classification of Liabilities as Current or Non-current, amendments to IAS 1 (Paid eIFRS subscription required).