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The IFRS Foundation (Foundation) invites nominations of suitable candidates for membership of the Accounting Standards Advisory Forum (ASAF). National standard-setters and regional bodies may nominate themselves or another eligible organisation.

The ASAF was established in 2013. The advice of its members helps the International Accounting Standards Board (Board) to develop globally accepted and high-quality accounting standards. Resources about the ASAF, including the Terms of Reference and the Memorandum of Understanding that established the forum, are available on the ASAF page.

Candidates for membership

The ASAF comprises 12 non-voting members, represented by 12 individuals, plus the Chair. The Chair or the Vice-Chair of the Board acts as the Chair of the ASAF. In order to ensure a broad geographical representation and balance of the major economic regions in the world, the 12 members are from the following geographical regions:

  • one member is from Africa;
  • three members are from the Americas (North and South);
  • three members are from the Asia-Oceania region;
  • three members are from Europe (including non EU); and
  • two members are appointed from the world at large, subject to maintaining an overall geographical balance.

Membership of the ASAF is open to all recognised accounting standard-setters of jurisdictions and regional bodies. Existing ASAF members are eligible for reappointment.

Candidates for membership are asked to confirm that they would be willing to sign or reaffirm agreement to the Memorandum of Understanding with the Foundation, and, in particular, to provide the required commitments as set out in Section 2 of that document.

For its part, the Foundation confirms that it will formally meet the commitments set out in Section 3 of the Memorandum of Understanding.

Criteria for membership

Candidates should explain how they meet, or plan to meet, the criteria for membership in support of the commitments set out in the Memorandum of Understanding. In particular, any candidate should demonstrate:

  • its technical competence—in other words, that it has the necessary technical resources, including human capital resources with standard-setting expertise, technical experience and practical knowledge of financial reporting issues, to enable it to contribute meaningfully and participate actively in substantive technical discussions; and
  • the scale, degree and expertise of the resources available to the candidate that will enable it to participate as an active member of the ASAF, including an ability and willingness to fund the travel and accommodation costs of representatives and to devote sufficient time and other resources, where necessary, to the preparation of material for ASAF meetings.

Other factors

Candidates are also invited to submit any additional material that they consider relevant to support their nomination to be a member of ASAF, including details of:

  • the candidate’s knowledge and experience of IFRS Standards and their application;
  • the candidate’s contribution to the activities of the Foundation and the Board’s standard-setting process and its knowledge of the issues and concerns from its jurisdiction/region—together with examples; and
  • the scale of the capital market in their jurisdiction/region; and, where relevant, how the candidate intends to seek input from and represent other perspectives of national standard-setters within its region.


Nominations and applications are invited by 30 April 2021. They should be sent to Ms Katherine Maybin at the following email address: Membership will be on the basis of organisational representation. Candidate organisations are required to select a single designated individual who will be their representative on the ASAF. The individuals should meet the criteria set out in paragraph 2.2.3 of the Terms of Reference.

Process for selection

Candidates will be selected on the basis of a geographical balance, the membership criteria and other factors referred to above. The Foundation will consider all candidates for selection by taking these issues into account. The final selection of members of the group will be made by the Trustees of the Foundation, having taken advice from the Board.