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The Trustees of the IFRS Foundation, responsible for the oversight and governance of the International Accounting Standards Board (Board), have confirmed the appointment and re-appointment of several organisations and individuals to the IFRS Advisory Council. All appointments take effect 1 January 2021 and are for a three-year period.

Currently chaired by Bill Coen, the Advisory Council advises the IFRS Foundation Trustees and the Board on strategic matters. It consists of representatives from over 50 groups affected by and interested in international financial reporting, including academics, analysts, auditors, investors, preparers, professional accounting bodies, regulators and standard-setters. With the exception of individual appointments, the Advisory Council membership is held by the organisation concerned.

New individual appointments and newly appointed representatives for organisations already on the Advisory Council

Organisation Name Title 
European Accounting Association (EAA) Thorsten Sellhorn EAA President; Professor of Accounting and Director of the Institute for Accounting, Auditing and Analysis at Ludwig-Maximilian University Munich’s School of Management
European Financial Reporting Advisory Group (EFRAG) Saskia Slomp EFRAG CEO
International Organization of Securities Commissions (IOSCO) Antonio Quesada Member of the IOSCO Board; Chair of the IOSCO Inter-American Regional Committee; Vice President of Regulatory Policy at the Mexican National Banking and Securities Commission (CNBV)
International Organization of Securities Commissions (IOSCO) Marie Seiller Member of IOSCO Committee on Issuer Accounting, Audit and Disclosures; Chief Accountant at the French Autorité des Marchés Financiers (AMF)
Investment Company Institute Alan Trotter Chief Financial Officer: Europe, Middle East & Africa at Invesco
World Bank Barbara McGowan Lead Policy Officer at the World Bank
Individual Eduardo Flores Assistant Professor at University of São Paulo - School of Accounting and Actuarial Science
Individual Tania Wimberley Head Financial Reporting Issuer Regulation Division at the Johannesburg Stock Exchange

Re-appointment of representatives of existing organisations on the Advisory Council

Organisation Name Title 
BusinessEurope Kristian Koktvedgaard Head of VAT, Accounting and Auditing at the Confederation of Danish Industry; Member of the Danish Accounting Council
Capital Markets Board of Turkey Sibel Ulusoy Tokgöz Deputy Head of Accounting Standards Department, Capital Markets Board of Turkey
European Federation of Financial Analysts Societies (EFFAS) Javier de Frutos Partner & CIO at Sailbridge Capital; Chair of EFFAS Commission on Financial Reporting
External Reporting (XRB), New Zealand Ken Warren Chief Accounting Advisor for New Zealand Treasury
Financial Executives International (FEI) Ron Edmonds Controller and Vice President of Controllers and Tax of Dow
International Corporate Governance Network Ian Burger Head of Corporate Governance at Newton Investment Management
Pricewaterhouse Coopers Henry Daubeney Global IFRS leader

Members stepping down at the end of their terms

The IFRS Foundation Trustees also take this opportunity to thank the following representatives for their contributions as they step down from the IFRS Advisory Council at the end of 2020:

  • Areewan Aimdilokwong, IOSCO
  • Clive Brown, Investment Company Institute (who stood down in September 2020)
  • Garth Coppin, Financial Reporting Standards Board of South Africa
  • Jean Paul Gauzes, EFRAG
  • Professor Ann Jorissen, European Accounting Association
  • Ton Meershoek, IOSCO
  • Pam O'Connell, World Bank

The European Commission, Japan’s Financial Services Agency and the US Securities and Exchange Commission attend the Advisory Council meetings as observers.