The International Accounting Standards Board (Board) published the Request for Information on the Second Comprehensive Review of the IFRS for SMEs Standard on 28 January 2020.
The Board has now made available a webcast in Portuguese to help stakeholders prepare their comments on the Request for Information.
The webcast addresses the Board’s approach to the Second Comprehensive Review in requesting views on whether and how the IFRS for SMEs Standard should be aligned with IFRS Standards in the scope of this review. It lasts approximately 28 minutes.
View the webcast and slide deck on the project page or visit our YouTube channel, where other webcasts and podcasts can be found.
A live webinar was held on Monday 17 August 2020 which discussed whether and how to align the IFRS for SMEs Standard with major IFRS Standards and included a question and answer session. This webinar was conducted in English. View the recording of the webinar and slide deck on the project page or on our YouTube channel.