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The IFRS Foundation’s first biannual Compilation of Agenda Decisions brings together agenda decisions published by the IFRS Interpretations Committee (Committee) from January to September 2019.

The agenda decisions are organised by the IFRS Standard to which they relate. The document is intended to make the already published work of the Committee more accessible. Future compilations will be published twice a year, in April and October.

View individual agenda decisions by publication date on the supporting consistent application of IFRS Accounting Standards page.

The role of the Committee is to work with the International Accounting Standards Board in supporting consistent application of IFRS Standards.

The Committee publishes an agenda decision when, following consultation, it concludes that standard-setting is not required to address a question about the application of IFRS Standards. This is often because the principles and requirements in the Standards are adequate to address the question asked.

In these situations, the agenda decision includes material that explains how the applicable principles and requirements in the Standards apply to the transaction or fact pattern described.

Compilation of Agenda Decisions—Volume 1 can be accessed here.

You can read more about the Committee and sign up to follow its work here.