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We have highlighted some of the key areas of the site for general purpose help. If you have any issues finding or using our content, please let us know.

The ‘Follows and notifications dashboard’ is where you manage which content categories you follow, choose whether to receive email alerts and set how often you receive those alerts.

The dashboard can be accessed via the dashboard link at the top of the page.

Select the categories or topics that are relevant to you, and we will email you notifications when we create a news item relevant to that topic. You can also use the MyNews toggle in the main news section to focus solely on the topics that you follow.

You must be registered and logged in to use the dashboard.

The IFRS Standards Navigator is a search and navigation tool which allows you to access and navigate our Standards and related materials. The tool was launched in 2021 and replaces the old eIFRS website.

The IFRS Standards Navigator enables you to bookmark specific Standards and Interpretations for quick access across content types. It also allows you to search for words or phrases in the published materials and filter the materials according to criteria such as year published and language.

Depending on your subscription type it will also allow you to add, for example, agenda decisions published by the IFRS Interpretations Committee and related IFRS Taxonomy tags as layers to the Standards so you can see all the relevant materials in one place.

The work plan lists all the different projects that the IFRS Foundation is working on and can be sorted by project type, milestone, expected publication date or whether it is a project we are currently consulting on.

The default view lists all projects alphabetically, but you can easily filter the list by selecting the appropriate tab to find the project you want. 

The project pages draw together all related information for a specific project into an easy-to-use interface; whether that be news, updates, meetings and events, consultation documents, supporting material, published documents, related information from other projects or project history.

Our work plan contains all IFRS Foundation projects. Completed projects are also accessible with their full history.

This section of the website brings together in one place materials aimed at supporting consistent application of the Standards, including agenda decisions published by the IFRS Interpretations Committee, webcasts, articles etc.

Comment letters submitted to our consultations are published on our website. To view comment letters for active projects you can either select the highlighted item from the work plan or from the home page or the open for comment page. Click on the ‘view the comment letters’ tab to see and read the comment letters associated with the project.

This is also where you submit comment letters—to do so you must be registered and logged in. Find out more about how to submit the most effective response to our consultation.

The calendar lists all upcoming meetings and events, including the monthly meetings of the International Accounting Standards Board, meetings with the advisory bodies, meetings of the IFRS Foundation Trustees, conferences etc.

The calendar allows you to filter meetings by year, month and type. This is where you can access meeting agendas, meeting papers, meeting summaries, register to watch a meeting live and access recordings of the meetings.