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The IFRS Foundation today announced plans to move the Foundation’s three existing websites into a single, unified platform. The new platform will launch in April 2021 and represents the first step in the Foundation’s multi-year programme to enhance the digital experience it offers its stakeholders.

In 2019, the Foundation began to transition its technology infrastructure to modern, cloud-based systems that facilitate more efficient internal working practices while also permitting the Foundation to deliver over time an enhanced digital experience to its stakeholders around the world. As part of that programme, the Foundation is nearing completion of its work to consolidate three of its existing websites (public website, eIFRS and archive) into a single, unified online presence.

The new website will look familiar, but we have responded to feedback from website users by introducing new innovations, such as a new Standards navigator, enhanced personalisation options and an improved search facility. There are also further updates planned. These innovations have required a move to a new content management system, which will result in some actions for existing users. Therefore, the Foundation is providing advance notification to users of its websites of the following changes from April 2021:

  • Existing public website ( Most users of the public website will be able to access content as before. The web addresses for the main website sections, including the work plan and active projects, will remain as is, but links to other content may require updating. Those users that login to the public website using a username and password (to submit comment letters and manage ‘follows’) will be required to update their information and preferences on initial login.
  • eIFRS ( The content of eIFRS, which includes IFRS Standards and related information, will be incorporated into the new public website, accessible via a new Standards navigator. If you are an existing subscriber to either eIFRS Basic (the free-of-charge subscription offering access to core IFRS Standards) or eIFRS Professional (the paid-for service to access all current and historic content related to IFRS Standards), you will get automatic access to the equivalent new service. You will also be able to access the old eIFRS platform until it is decommissioned at the end of December 2021. Upon first logging in to the new system, you will be asked to update your registration details. If you currently access eIFRS Professional without having to sign in with a username and password, it means you have direct access through a third party that has a licence agreement with the Foundation. The Foundation is working with all licence holders to provide you with access to the new service. Please liaise directly with your licence holder. All eIFRS Professional users will continue to have access to the legacy eIFRS platform until the end of 2021.
  • Archive ( A previous version of the Foundation’s website has been available since 2017, hosting content that was not migrated to the current platform. Guided by data on traffic to the archive, the Foundation has now completed migration of most of the content from the archive to its public website. As a result, the archive site will be decommissioned once the new public website is launched. Any remaining content will be preserved and accessible on request.

Commenting on the announcement, Lee White, Executive Director of the IFRS Foundation, said:

Our new online platform presents one of the first tangible opportunities our stakeholders will have to benefit from the work that has been ongoing to modernise the Foundation’s digital infrastructure. We have exciting plans for our digital future, but also recognise the need to help minimise the burden on stakeholders as we transition to these new platforms.

Further details can be found within our frequently asked questions section.