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Monday 10 June 2024

Goethe University, Frankfurt

A Global Baseline for Sustainability Reporting—Demand, Adoption and Future Steps

The IFRS Foundation and the International Sustainability Standards Board (ISSB), together with the Deutsches Rechnungslegungs Standards Committee (the German Accounting Standards Committee), the Leibniz Institute for Financial Research SAFE (Sustainable Architecture for Finance in Europe) (part of the House of Finance of Goethe University Frankfurt) and the Deutsche Börse Group invite you to attend the Sustainability Standards Conference 2024, to be held on Monday 10 June 2024 from 9:00–17:30 CEST.

The conference will address topics related to the ISSB’s current standard-setting agenda. These topics will be explored from both a practical and an academic perspective.

Ralph Alexander Lorz (Minister of Finance of the state of Hesse, Germany) will open the conference at 9:00 CEST. He will welcome Emmanuel Faber (ISSB Chair) and Sue Lloyd (ISSB Vice-Chair), along with other ISSB members and staff, who will provide insights into their work.

Panel discussions and presentations will follow. They will focus on these questions:

  • How can global comparability be achieved?
  • What are the results of recent academic research into sustainability standards, and what do researchers recommend that standard-setters should do with that knowledge?
  • What can practitioners learn from standard-setters, and vice versa?
  • How do sustainability disclosures affect policymakers’ agendas?
  • How can sustainable business models, investment decisions and reporting requirements be made better in the future?

We are expecting leading representatives from the worlds of industry, academia and financial regulation. Among the attendees will be Stephan Leithner (Deutsche Börse AG) and Axel Weber (Center for Financial Studies). Other speakers and panellists will include Kerstin Lopatta (University of Hamburg, Vice-Chair of EFRAG-SRB), Tobias Berg (Goethe University Frankfurt), Katrin Böhning-Gaese (Senkenberg Biodiversity and Climate Research Centre), Adam Pradela (DHL Group), Mark Vessen (KPMG), Gülşah Günay (KGK) and Loriana Pelizzon (SAFE).

Current research findings on ‘an improved corporate carbon accounting’ and the relevance of biodiversity data for investors will be discussed by Stefan Reichelstein (University of Mannheim) and Alexander Wagner (University of Zurich).

The conference will end at 17:30 CEST. There will be an opportunity to share your impressions, comments and suggestions at an informal drinks reception that will follow the conference. The post-conference reception will be held in the Goethe University’s Casino Building.

For those unable to participate in person, please join us online.

Please note that registration is required in order to attend the conference, either in person or online.

Register to attend the conference either in person or online.