SCOPE | 1 |
Agriculture‑related definitions | 5 |
General definitions | 8 |
Gains and losses | 26 |
Inability to measure fair value reliably | 30 |
General | 40 |
Additional disclosures for biological assets where fair value cannot be measured reliably | 54 |
Government grants | 57 |
| |
| |
International Accounting Standard 41 Agriculture (IAS 41) is set out in paragraphs 1–65. All the paragraphs have equal authority but retain the IASC format of the Standard when it was adopted by the IASB. IAS 41 should be read in the context of its objective and the Basis for Conclusions, the Preface to IFRS Standards and the Conceptual Framework for Financial Reporting. IAS 8 Accounting Policies, Changes in Accounting Estimates and Errors provides a basis for selecting and applying accounting policies in the absence of explicit guidance. [Refer:IAS 8 paragraphs 10–12]
The objective of this Standard is to prescribe the accounting treatment and disclosures related to agricultural activity.
1 | This Standard shall be applied to account for the following when they relate to agricultural activity: [Refer:paragraph 5 (definition of agricultural activity)]
2 | This Standard does not apply to:
3 | This Standard is applied to agricultural produce, which is the harvested produce of the entity’s biological assets, at the point of harvest. [Refer:Basis for Conclusions paragraphs B41–B46] Thereafter, IAS 2 Inventories or another applicable Standard is applied. Accordingly, this Standard does not deal with the processing of agricultural produce after harvest; for example, the processing of grapes into wine by a vintner who has grown the grapes. While such processing may be a logical and natural extension of agricultural activity, and the events taking place may bear some similarity to biological transformation, such processing is not included within the definition of agricultural activity in this Standard. |
4 | The table below provides examples of biological assets, agricultural produce, and products that are the result of processing after harvest:
5 | The following terms are used in this Standard with the meanings specified: Agricultural activity is the management by an entity of the biological transformation and harvest of biological assets for sale or for conversion into agricultural produce or into additional biological assets. Agricultural produce is the harvested produce of the entity’s biological assets. A bearer plant is a living plant that:
A biological asset is a living animal or plant. Biological transformation comprises the processes of growth, degeneration, production, and procreation that cause qualitative or quantitative changes in a biological asset. Costs to sell are the incremental costs directly attributable to the disposal of an asset, excluding finance costs and income taxes. A group of biological assets is an aggregation of similar living animals or plants. Harvest is the detachment of produce from a biological asset or the cessation of a biological asset’s life processes. |
5A | The following are not bearer plants:
5B | When bearer plants are no longer used to bear produce they might be cut down and sold as scrap, for example, for use as firewood. Such incidental scrap sales would not prevent the plant from satisfying the definition of a bearer plant. |
5C | Produce growing on bearer plants is a biological asset. |
6 | Agricultural activity covers a diverse range of activities; for example, raising livestock, forestry, annual or perennial cropping, cultivating orchards and plantations, floriculture and aquaculture (including fish farming). Certain common features exist within this diversity:
7 | Biological transformation results in the following types of outcomes:
8 | The following terms are used in this Standard with the meanings specified: Carrying amount is the amount at which an asset is recognised in the statement of financial position. Fair value is the price that would be received to sell an asset or paid to transfer a liability in an orderly transaction between market participants at the measurement date. (See IFRS 13 Fair Value Measurement. [Refer:IFRS 13 paragraphs 9 and Appendix A]) Government grants are as defined in IAS 20. |
9 | [Deleted] |
10 | An entity shall recognise a biological asset or agricultural produce when, and only when:
11 | In agricultural activity, control may be evidenced by, for example, legal ownership of cattle and the branding or otherwise marking of the cattle on acquisition, birth, or weaning. The future benefits are normally assessed by measuring the significant physical attributes. |
12 | A biological asset shall be measured on initial recognition and at the end of each reporting period [Refer:Basis for Conclusions paragraph B32] at its fair value [Refer:Basis for Conclusions paragraphs B13–B21] less costs to sell,E1 [Refer:Basis for Conclusions paragraphs B22–B26] except for the case described in paragraph 30 where the fair value cannot be measured reliably. |
E1 | [IFRIC® Update, September 2019, Agenda Decision, ‘IAS 41 Agriculture—Subsequent Expenditure on Biological Assets’ The Committee received a request about the accounting for costs related to the biological transformation (subsequent expenditure) of biological assets measured at fair value less costs to sell applying IAS 41. The request asked whether an entity capitalises subsequent expenditure (ie adds it to the carrying amount of the asset) or, instead, recognises subsequent expenditure as an expense when incurred. IAS 41 does not specify the accounting for subsequent expenditure for biological assets measured at fair value less costs to sell. Paragraph B62 of the Basis for Conclusions on IAS 41 explains that ‘…the [IASC] Board decided not to explicitly prescribe the accounting for subsequent expenditure related to biological assets in the Standard, because it believes to do so is unnecessary with a fair value measurement approach’. Accordingly, the Committee concluded that, applying IAS 41, an entity either capitalises subsequent expenditure or recognises it as an expense when incurred. The Committee observed that capitalising subsequent expenditure or recognising it as an expense has no effect on the fair value measurement of biological assets nor does it have any effect on profit or loss; however, it affects the presentation of amounts in the statement of profit or loss. In assessing how to present such subsequent expenditure in the statement of profit or loss, an entity would apply the requirements in paragraphs 81–105 of IAS 1 Presentation of Financial Statements. In particular, the Committee observed that the entity would:
Applying paragraph 13 of IAS 8 Accounting Policies, Changes in Accounting Estimates and Errors, an entity would apply its accounting policy for subsequent expenditure consistently to each group of biological assets. An entity would also disclose the selected accounting policy applying paragraphs 117–124 of IAS 1 if that disclosure would assist users of financial statements in understanding how those transactions are reflected in reported financial performance. In the light of its analysis, the Committee considered whether to add a project to its standard-setting agenda on the accounting for subsequent expenditure on biological assets. The Committee has not obtained evidence to suggest that standard-setting on this matter at this time would result in an improvement to financial reporting that would be sufficient to outweigh the costs. The Committee therefore decided not to add the matter to its standard-setting agenda.] |
13 | Agricultural produce harvested from an entity’s biological assets shall be measured at its fair value less costs to sell [Refer:Basis for Conclusions paragraphs B22–B26] at the point of harvest. Such measurement is the cost at that date when applying IAS 2 Inventories or another applicable Standard. |
14 | [Deleted] |
15 | The fair value measurement of a biological asset or agricultural produce may be facilitated by grouping biological assets or agricultural produce according to significant attributes; for example, by age or quality. An entity selects the attributes corresponding to the attributes used in the market as a basis for pricing. |
16 | Entities often enter into contracts to sell their biological assets or agricultural produce at a future date. Contract prices are not necessarily relevant in measuring fair value, because fair value reflects the current market conditions in which market participant [Refer:IFRS 13 Appendix A (definition of market participants)] buyers and sellers would enter into a transaction. As a result, the fair value of a biological asset or agricultural produce is not adjusted because of the existence of a contract. In some cases, a contract for the sale of a biological asset or agricultural produce may be an onerous contract, as defined in IAS 37 Provisions, Contingent Liabilities and Contingent Assets. IAS 37 applies to onerous contracts. [Refer:Basis for Conclusions paragraphs B47–B54 and IAS 37 paragraphs 66–69] |
17–21 | [Deleted] |
22 | An entity does not include any cash flows for financing the assets or re‑establishing biological assets after harvest (for example, the cost of replanting trees in a plantation forest after harvest). |
23 | [Deleted] |
24 | Cost may sometimes approximate fair value, particularly when:
25 | Biological assets are often physically attached to land (for example, trees in a plantation forest). There may be no separate market for biological assets that are attached to the land but an active market may exist for the combined assets, that is, the biological assets, raw land, and land improvements, as a package. An entity may use information regarding the combined assets to measure the fair value of the biological assets. For example, the fair value of raw land and land improvements may be deducted from the fair value of the combined assets to arrive at the fair value of biological assets.E2 |
E2 | [IFRIC® Update, March 2013, Agenda Decision, ‘IAS 41 Agriculture and IFRS 13 Fair Value Measurement—Valuation of biological assets using a residual method’ The Interpretations Committee received a request seeking clarification on paragraph 25 of IAS 41. This paragraph refers to the use of a residual method as an example of a possible valuation technique to measure the fair value of biological assets that are physically attached to land, if the biological assets have no separate market but an active market exists for the combined assets. The submitter’s concern is that using the fair value of the land (ie based on its highest and best use as required by IFRS 13) in applying the residual method might result in a minimal or nil fair value for the biological assets when the highest and best use of the land is different from its current use. The Interpretations Committee observed that, in the development of IFRS 13, the IASB considered the situation where the highest and best use of an asset in a group of assets is different from its current use. The Interpretations Committee noted, however, that IFRS 13 does not explicitly address the accounting implications if those circumstances arise and the fair value measurement of the asset based on its highest and best use assumes that other assets in the group need to be converted or destroyed. The Interpretations Committee also noted that this issue might not only affect the accounting for assets within the scope of IAS 41 but it could also affect the accounting for assets in the scope of other Standards. In the light of the analysis above, the Interpretations Committee observed that this issue is too broad for it to address and, accordingly, the Interpretations Committee decided not to take this issue onto its agenda. The Interpretations Committee directed the staff to ask the IASB to provide clarification of the accounting requirements for the issues considered by the Interpretations Committee.] |
26 | A gain or loss arising on initial recognition [Refer:paragraph 10] of a biological asset at fair value less costs to sell and from a change in fair value less costs to sell of a biological asset shall be included in profit or loss for the period in which it arises. |
27 | A loss may arise on initial recognition of a biological asset, because costs to sell are deducted in determining fair value less costs to sell of a biological asset. A gain may arise on initial recognition of a biological asset, such as when a calf is born. |
28 | A gain or loss arising on initial recognition [Refer:paragraph 10] of agricultural produce at fair value less costs to sell shall be included in profit or loss for the period in which it arises. |
29 | A gain or loss may arise on initial recognition of agricultural produce as a result of harvesting. |
30 | There is a presumption that fair value can be measured reliably for a biological asset. However, that presumption can be rebutted only on initial recognition for a biological asset for which quoted market prices [Refer:IFRS 13 paragraphs 76 and 82] are not available and for which alternative fair value measurements [Refer:IFRS 13 paragraph 87] are determined to be clearly unreliable.E3 In such a case, that biological asset shall be measured at its cost less any accumulated depreciation and any accumulated impairment losses. Once the fair value of such a biological asset becomes reliably measurable, an entity shall measure it at its fair value less costs to sell. Once a non‑current [Refer:IAS 1 paragraphs 57–59] biological asset meets the criteria to be classified as held for sale (or is included in a disposal group that is classified as held for sale) [Refer:IFRS 5 paragraphs 6–14] in accordance with IFRS 5 Non‑current Assets Held for Sale and Discontinued Operations, it is presumed that fair value can be measured reliably. |
E3 | [IFRIC® Update, June 2017, Agenda Decision, ‘IAS 41 Agriculture—Biological assets growing on bearer plants’ The Committee received a request about the fair value measurement of produce growing on bearer plants. More specifically, the request asked whether the Committee considers fruit growing on oil palms to be an example of a biological asset for which an entity might rebut the fair value presumption applying paragraph 30 of IAS 41. The Committee observed that:
The Committee concluded that the reference to ‘clearly unreliable’ in paragraph 30 of IAS 41 indicates that, to rebut the presumption, an entity must demonstrate that any fair value measurement is clearly unreliable. Paragraph BC4C of IAS 41 suggests that, when developing the amendments to IAS 41 on bearer plants, the Board’s expectation was that fair value measurements of produce growing on bearer plants might be clearly unreliable when an entity encounters significant practical difficulties. However, the Committee observed that the converse is not necessarily true—ie if an entity encounters significant practical difficulties, this does not necessarily mean that any fair value measurement of produce is clearly unreliable. In paragraph BC4C, the Board observed that in this situation, an entity should consider whether the measurement is clearly unreliable. The Committee also observed that the submission appears to ask whether possible differences in supportable assumptions (which might result in significantly different valuations) constitute ‘significant practical difficulties’ as referred to in paragraph BC4C of IAS 41. The Committee concluded that this is not evidence of significant practical difficulties, and that it would not, in and of itself, result in fair value measurements that are clearly unreliable. The Committee noted that paragraph 125 of IAS 1 Presentation of Financial Statements requires an entity to disclose information about assumptions and estimates that have a significant risk of a material adjustment to the carrying amounts of assets and liabilities within the next financial year. In addition, paragraph 91 of IFRS 13 Fair Value Measurement requires an entity to disclose information that helps users of its financial statements understand the valuation techniques and inputs used to develop fair value measurements, and the effect of measurements that use Level 3 inputs. The Committee observed that the submission asks the Committee to conclude whether fair value measurements for a particular type of produce growing on bearer plants are clearly unreliable. The Committee determined that its role is not to conclude upon very specific application questions, particularly when they relate to the application of the judgements required in applying IFRS Standards. Consequently, the Committee decided not to add this matter to its standard-setting agenda.] |
31 | The presumption in paragraph 30 can be rebutted only on initial recognition. An entity that has previously measured a biological asset at its fair value less costs to sell continues to measure the biological asset at its fair value less costs to sell until disposal. |
32 | In all cases, an entity measures agricultural produce at the point of harvest at its fair value less costs to sell. This Standard reflects the view that the fair value of agricultural produce at the point of harvest can always be measured reliably. |
33 | In determining cost, accumulated depreciation and accumulated impairment losses, an entity considers IAS 2, IAS 16 and IAS 36 Impairment of Assets. |
34 | An unconditional government grant related to a biological asset measured at its fair value less costs to sell shall be recognised in profit or loss when, and only when, the government grant becomes receivable. |
35 | If a government grant related to a biological asset measured at its fair value less costs to sell is conditional, including when a government grant requires an entity not to engage in specified agricultural activity, an entity shall recognise the government grant in profit or loss when, and only when, the conditions attaching to the government grant are met. |
36 | Terms and conditions of government grants vary. For example, a grant may require an entity to farm in a particular location for five years and require the entity to return all of the grant if it farms for a period shorter than five years. In this case, the grant is not recognised in profit or loss until the five years have passed. However, if the terms of the grant allow part of it to be retained according to the time that has elapsed, the entity recognises that part in profit or loss as time passes. |
37 | If a government grant relates to a biological asset measured at its cost less any accumulated depreciation and any accumulated impairment losses (see paragraph 30), IAS 20 is applied. |
38 | This Standard requires a different treatment from IAS 20, if a government grant relates to a biological asset measured at its fair value less costs to sell or a government grant requires an entity not to engage in specified agricultural activity. IAS 20 is applied only to a government grant related to a biological asset measured at its cost less any accumulated depreciation and any accumulated impairment losses. |
Disclosure of biological assets, agriculture produce at point of harvest and government grants related to biological assets [text block] Disclosure | Text block | 800500, 824180 |
39 | [Deleted] |
40 | An entity shall disclose the aggregate gain or loss arising during the current period on initial recognition of biological assets and agricultural produce and from the change in fair value less costs to sell of biological assets.
41 | An entity shall provide a description of each group of biological assets.
42 | The disclosure required by paragraph 41 may take the form of a narrative or quantified description. |
43 | An entity is encouraged to provide a quantified description of each group of biological assets, distinguishing between consumable [Refer:paragraph 44] and bearer [Refer:paragraph 44] biological assets or between mature [Refer:paragraph 45] and immature biological assets, as appropriate. For example, an entity may disclose the carrying amounts of consumable biological assets and bearer biological assets by group. An entity may further divide those carrying amounts between mature and immature assets. These distinctions provide information that may be helpful in assessing the timing of future cash flows. An entity discloses the basis for making any such distinctions.
44 | Consumable biological assets are those that are to be harvested as agricultural produce or sold as biological assets. Examples of consumable biological assets are livestock intended for the production of meat, livestock held for sale, fish in farms, crops such as maize and wheat, produce on a bearer plant and trees being grown for lumber. Bearer biological assets are those other than consumable biological assets; for example, livestock from which milk is produced and fruit trees from which fruit is harvested. Bearer biological assets are not agricultural produce but, rather, are held to bear produce. |
45 | Biological assets may be classified either as mature biological assets or immature biological assets. Mature biological assets are those that have attained harvestable specifications (for consumable [Refer:paragraph 44] biological assets) or are able to sustain regular harvests (for bearer [Refer:paragraph 44] biological assets). |
46 | If not disclosed elsewhere in information published with the financial statements, an entity shall describe:
47–48 | [Deleted] |
49 | An entity shall disclose:
50 | An entity shall present a reconciliation of changes in the carrying amount of biological assets between the beginning and the end of the current period. The reconciliation shall include:
51 | The fair value less costs to sell of a biological asset can change due to both physical changes and price changes in the market. Separate disclosure of physical and price changes is useful in appraising current period performance and future prospects, particularly when there is a production cycle of more than one year. In such cases, an entity is encouraged to disclose, by group or otherwise, the amount of change in fair value less costs to sell included in profit or loss due to physical changes and due to price changes. This information is generally less useful when the production cycle is less than one year (for example, when raising chickens or growing cereal crops).
52 | Biological transformation results in a number of types of physical change—growth, degeneration, production, and procreation, each of which is observable and measurable. Each of those physical changes has a direct relationship to future economic benefits. A change in fair value of a biological asset due to harvesting is also a physical change. |
53 | Agricultural activity is often exposed to climatic, disease and other natural risks. If an event occurs that gives rise to a material item of income or expense, the nature and amount of that item are disclosed in accordance with IAS 1 Presentation of Financial Statements. Examples of such an event include an outbreak of a virulent disease, a flood, a severe drought or frost, and a plague of insects. |
54 | If an entity measures biological assets at their cost less any accumulated depreciation and any accumulated impairment losses (see paragraph 30) at the end of the period, the entity shall disclose for such biological assets:
55 | If, during the current period, an entity measures biological assets at their cost less any accumulated depreciation and any accumulated impairment losses (see paragraph 30), an entity shall disclose any gain or loss recognised on disposal of such biological assets and the reconciliation required by paragraph 50 shall disclose amounts related to such biological assets separately. In addition, the reconciliation shall include the following amounts included in profit or loss related to those biological assets:
56 | If the fair value of biological assets previously measured at their cost less any accumulated depreciation and any accumulated impairment losses becomes reliably measurable during the current period, an entity shall disclose for those biological assets:
57 | An entity shall disclose the following related to agricultural activity covered by this Standard:
58 | This Standard becomes operative for annual financial statements covering periods beginning on or after 1 January 2003. Earlier application is encouraged. If an entity applies this Standard for periods beginning before 1 January 2003, it shall disclose that fact. |
59 | This Standard does not establish any specific transitional provisions. The adoption of this Standard is accounted for in accordance with IAS 8 Accounting Policies, Changes in Accounting Estimates and Errors. |
60 | Paragraphs 5, 6, 17, 20 and 21 were amended and paragraph 14 deleted by Improvements to IFRSs issued in May 2008. An entity shall apply those amendments prospectively for annual periods beginning on or after 1 January 2009. Earlier application is permitted. If an entity applies the amendments for an earlier period it shall disclose that fact. |
61 |
62 | Agriculture: Bearer Plants (Amendments to IAS 16 and IAS 41), issued in June 2014, amended paragraphs 1–5, 8, 24 and 44 and added paragraphs 5A–5C and 63. An entity shall apply those amendments for annual periods beginning on or after 1 January 2016. Earlier application is permitted. If an entity applies those amendments for an earlier period, it shall disclose that fact. An entity shall apply those amendments retrospectively in accordance with IAS 8. |
63 | In the reporting period when Agriculture: Bearer Plants (Amendments to IAS 16 and IAS 41) is first applied an entity need not disclose the quantitative information required by paragraph 28(f) of IAS 8 for the current period. However, an entity shall present the quantitative information required by paragraph 28(f) of IAS 8 for each prior period presented. |
64 | IFRS 16, issued in January 2016, amended paragraph 2. An entity shall apply that amendment when it applies IFRS 16. |
65 | Annual Improvements to IFRS Standards 2018–2020, issued in May 2020, amended paragraph 22. An entity shall apply that amendment to fair value measurements on or after the beginning of the first annual reporting period beginning on or after 1 January 2022. Earlier application is permitted. If an entity applies the amendment for an earlier period, it shall disclose that fact. |
Agriculture: Bearer Plants was approved for issue by fourteen of the sixteen members of the International Accounting Standards Board. Mr Finnegan and Ms McConnell voted against its publication. Their dissenting opinions are set out after the Basis for Conclusions.
Hans Hoogervorst | Chairman |
Ian Mackintosh | Vice-Chairman |
Stephen Cooper | |
Philippe Danjou | |
Martin Edelmann | |
Jan Engström | |
Patrick Finnegan | |
Amaro Luiz de Oliveira Gomes | |
Gary Kabureck | |
Suzanne Lloyd | |
Patricia McConnell | |
Takatsugu Ochi | |
Darrel Scott | |
Chungwoo Suh | |
Mary Tokar | |
Wei-Guo Zhang |