SCOPE | 2 |
All entities | 13 |
Government-related entities | 25 |
WITHDRAWAL OF IAS 24 (2003) | 29 |
Amendment to IFRS 8 Operating Segments | |
| |
| |
Amendment to the Basis for Conclusions on IAS 19 Employee Benefits | |
International Accounting Standard 24 Related Party Disclosures (IAS 24) is set out in paragraphs 1–29 and the Appendix. All of the paragraphs have equal authority but retain the IASC format of the Standard when it was adopted by the IASB. IAS 24 should be read in the context of its objective and the Basis for Conclusions, the Preface to IFRS Standards and the Conceptual Framework for Financial Reporting. IAS 8 Accounting Policies, Changes in Accounting Estimates and Errors provides a basis for selecting and applying accounting policies in the absence of explicit guidance. [Refer:IAS 8 paragraphs 10–12]
1 | The objective of this Standard is to ensure that an entity’s financial statements contain the disclosures necessary to draw attention to the possibility that its financial position and profit or loss may have been affected by the existence of related parties and by transactions and outstanding balances, including commitments, with such parties. |
2 | This Standard shall be applied in:
3 | This Standard requires disclosure of related party relationships, transactions and outstanding balances, including commitments, in the consolidated and separate financial statements of a parent or investors with joint control of, or significant influence over, an investee presented in accordance with IFRS 10 Consolidated Financial Statements or IAS 27 Separate Financial Statements. This Standard also applies to individual financial statements. [Refer:paragraph BC49(b)] |
4 | Related party transactions and outstanding balances with other entities in a group are disclosed in an entity’s financial statements. Intragroup related party transactions and outstanding balances are eliminated, except for those between an investment entity and its subsidiaries measured at fair value through profit or loss, in the preparation of consolidated financial statements of the group. |
5 | Related party relationships are a normal feature of commerce and business. For example, entities frequently carry on parts of their activities through subsidiaries, joint ventures and associates. In those circumstances, the entity has the ability to affect the financial and operating policies of the investee through the presence of control, joint control or significant influence. |
6 | A related party relationship could have an effect on the profit or loss and financial position of an entity. Related parties may enter into transactions that unrelated parties would not. For example, an entity that sells goods to its parent at cost might not sell on those terms to another customer. Also, transactions between related parties may not be made at the same amounts as between unrelated parties. |
7 | The profit or loss and financial position of an entity may be affected by a related party relationship even if related party transactions do not occur. The mere existence of the relationship may be sufficient to affect the transactions of the entity with other parties. For example, a subsidiary may terminate relations with a trading partner on acquisition by the parent of a fellow subsidiary engaged in the same activity as the former trading partner. Alternatively, one party may refrain from acting because of the significant influence of another—for example, a subsidiary may be instructed by its parent not to engage in research and development. |
8 | For these reasons, knowledge of an entity’s transactions, outstanding balances, including commitments, and relationships with related parties may affect assessments of its operations by users of financial statements, including assessments of the risks and opportunities facing the entity. |
9 | The following terms are used in this Standard with the meanings specified: A related party is a person or entity that is related to the entity that is preparing its financial statements (in this Standard referred to as the ‘reporting entity’). [Refer:Basis for Conclusions paragraphs BC18–BC32]
A related party transaction is a transfer of resources, services or obligations between a reporting entity and a related party, regardless of whether a price is charged. Close members of the family of a person are those family members who may be expected to influence, or be influenced by, that person in their dealings with the entity and includeE1:
Compensation includes all employee benefits (as defined in IAS 19 Employee Benefits) including employee benefits to which IFRS 2 Share‑based Payment applies. Employee benefits are all forms of consideration paid, payable or provided by the entity, or on behalf of the entity, in exchange for services rendered to the entity. It also includes such consideration paid on behalf of a parent of the entity in respect of the entity. Compensation includes:
Key management personnel are those persons having authority and responsibility for planning, directing and controlling the activities of the entity, directly or indirectly, including any director (whether executive or otherwise) of that entity. Government refers to government, government agencies and similar bodies whether local, national or international. A government‑related entity is an entity that is controlled, jointly controlled or significantly influenced by a government. The terms ‘control’ and ‘investment entity’, ‘joint control’ and ‘significant influence’ are defined in IFRS 10, IFRS 11 Joint Arrangements and IAS 28 Investments in Associates and Joint Ventures respectively and are used in this Standard with the meanings specified in those IFRSs. |
E1 | [IFRIC® Update, May 2015, Agenda Decision, ‘IAS 24 Related Party Disclosures—Definition of close members of the family of a person’ The Interpretations Committee received a submission regarding the definition of close members of the family of a person in paragraph 9 of IAS 24. The submitter points out that the definition of close members of the family of a person in paragraph 9 does not specify that the parents of a person could be included in this definition. The submitter thinks that this definition should include a person’s parents, because in its view they are among the closest members of the family of a person who may be expected to influence, or be influenced by, that person in their dealings with the entity. The submitter further observes that local regulations in some jurisdictions include the parents of a person within the definition of ‘close members of the family of a person’. The submitter suggests that the Interpretations Committee could:
The Interpretations Committee observed that the definition of close members of the family of a person in paragraph 9 of IAS 24:
The Interpretations Committee further noted that the list of family members in paragraph 9(a)–(c) is non exhaustive and does not preclude other family members from being considered as close members of the family of a person. Consequently, the Interpretations Committee thought that other family members, including parents or grandparents, could qualify as close members of the family depending on the assessment of specific facts and circumstances. In the light of the existing IFRS requirements, the Interpretations Committee determined that neither an Interpretation nor an amendment to a Standard was necessary and therefore decided not to add this issue to its agenda.] |
10 | In considering each possible related party relationship, attention is directed to the substance of the relationship and not merely the legal form. |
11 | In the context of this Standard, the following are not related parties:
12 | In the definition of a related party, an associate includes subsidiaries of the associate and a joint venture includes subsidiaries of the joint venture. Therefore, for example, an associate’s subsidiary and the investor that has significant influence over the associate are related to each other. |
Disclosure of related party [text block] Disclosure | Text block | 800500, 818000 |
13 | Relationships between a parent and its subsidiaries shall be disclosed irrespective of whether there have been transactions between them. An entity shall disclose the name of its parent and, if different, the ultimate controlling party. If neither the entity’s parent nor the ultimate controlling party produces consolidated financial statements available for public use, the name of the next most senior parent that does so shall also be disclosed.
14 | To enable users of financial statements to form a view about the effects of related party relationships on an entity, it is appropriate to disclose the related party relationship when control exists, irrespective of whether there have been transactions between the related parties. |
15 | The requirement to disclose related party relationships between a parent and its subsidiaries is in addition to the disclosure requirements in IAS 27 and IFRS 12 Disclosure of Interests in Other Entities. |
16 | Paragraph 13 refers to the next most senior parent. This is the first parent in the group above the immediate parent that produces consolidated financial statements available for public use. |
17 | An entity shall disclose key management personnel compensation in total and for each of the following categories:
17A | If an entity obtains key management personnel services from another entity (the ‘management entity’), the entity is not required to apply the requirements in paragraph 17 to the compensation paid or payable by the management entity to the management entity’s employees or directors. [Refer:paragraph 18A and Basis for Conclusions paragraph BC52] |
18 | If an entity has had related party transactions during the periods covered by the financial statements, it shall disclose the nature of the related party relationship as well as informationE2 about those transactions and outstanding balances, including commitments, necessary for users to understand the potential effect of the relationship on the financial statements. These disclosure requirements are in addition to those in paragraph 17. At a minimum, disclosures shall include:
E2 | [IFRIC® Update, September 2004, Agenda Decision, ‘IAS 24: Interpretation of the term "information" in IAS 24 paragraph 17’ The IFRIC was asked to supplement the minimum disclosures in paragraph 17 regarding ‘transactions and outstanding balances necessary for an understanding of the potential effect of (related party) relationships on the financial statements'. For example, it was suggested that an interpretation of paragraph 17 should specifically require disclosure of the purpose and economic substance of transactions, identity of related parties, extent of management involvement, special risks and the effect of such transactions on the financial statements. The IFRIC agreed not to add this issue to its agenda, noting that the IASB, in its revisions to IAS 24 in 2003, debated the extent of specific minimum disclosure requirements and the suggested items were not included. The IFRIC decided that, because of wider policy considerations, this issue might be appropriate for discussion by the Board and, perhaps, the Standards Advisory Council. [Note: In November 2009 the IASB issued a revised IAS 24. In the revised IAS 24 (2009) paragraph 18 is applicable to this footnote.]] |
18A | Amounts incurred by the entity for the provision of key management personnel services that are provided by a separate management entity shall be disclosed. [Refer:paragraph 17A]
19 | The disclosures required by paragraph 18 shall be made separately for each of the following categories:
20 | The classification of amounts payable to, and receivable from, related parties in the different categories as required in paragraph 19 is an extension of the disclosure requirement in IAS 1 Presentation of Financial Statements for information to be presented either in the statement of financial position or in the notes. [Refer:IAS 1 paragraphs 77–80A] The categories are extended to provide a more comprehensive analysis of related party balances and apply to related party transactions.
21 | The following are examples of transactions that are disclosed if they are with a related party:
22 | Participation by a parent or subsidiary in a defined benefit plan that shares risks between group entities is a transaction between related parties (see paragraph 42 of IAS 19 (as amended in 2011)).
23 | Disclosures that related party transactions were made on terms equivalent to those that prevail in arm’s length transactions are made only if such terms can be substantiated.
24 | Items of a similar nature may be disclosed in aggregate except when separate disclosure is necessary for an understanding of the effects of related party transactions on the financial statements of the entity. |
25 | A reporting entity is exempt from the disclosure requirements of paragraph 18 in relation to related party transactions and outstanding balances, including commitments, with:
26 | If a reporting entity applies the exemption in paragraph 25, it shall disclose the following about the transactions and related outstanding balances referred to in paragraph 25:
27 | In using its judgement to determine the level of detail to be disclosed in accordance with the requirements in paragraph 26(b), the reporting entity shall consider the closeness of the related party relationship and other factors relevant in establishing the level of significance of the transaction such as whether it is:
28 | An entity shall apply this Standard retrospectively for annual periods beginning on or after 1 January 2011. Earlier application is permitted, either of the whole Standard or of the partial exemption in paragraphs 25–27 for government‑related entities. If an entity applies either the whole Standard or that partial exemption for a period beginning before 1 January 2011, it shall disclose that fact. |
28A | IFRS 10, IFRS 11 Joint Arrangements and IFRS 12, issued in May 2011, amended paragraphs 3, 9, 11(b), 15, 19(b) and (e) and 25. An entity shall apply those amendments when it applies IFRS 10, IFRS 11 and IFRS 12. |
28B | Investment Entities (Amendments to IFRS 10, IFRS 12 and IAS 27), issued in October 2012, amended paragraphs 4 and 9. An entity shall apply those amendments for annual periods beginning on or after 1 January 2014. Earlier application of Investment Entities is permitted. If an entity applies those amendments earlier it shall also apply all amendments included in Investment Entities at the same time. |
28C | Annual Improvements to IFRSs 2010–2012 Cycle, issued in December 2013, amended paragraph 9 and added paragraphs 17A and 18A. An entity shall apply that amendment for annual periods beginning on or after 1 July 2014. Earlier application is permitted. If an entity applies that amendment for an earlier period it shall disclose that fact. |
29 | This Standard supersedes IAS 24 Related Party Disclosures (as revised in 2003). |
This amendment contained in this appendix when this Standard was issued in 2009 has been incorporated into IFRS 8 as published in this volume.
International Accounting Standard 24 Related Party Disclosures (as revised in 2009) was approved for issue by thirteen of the fifteen members of the International Accounting Standards Board. Mr Garnett dissented. His dissenting opinion is set out after the Basis for Conclusions. Ms McConnell abstained from voting in view of her recent appointment to the Board.
Sir David Tweedie | Chairman |
Stephen Cooper | |
Philippe Danjou | |
Jan Engström | |
Patrick Finnegan | |
Robert P Garnett | |
Gilbert Gélard | |
Amaro Luiz de Oliveira Gomes | |
Prabhakar Kalavacherla | |
James J Leisenring | |
Patricia McConnell | |
Warren J McGregor | |
John T Smith | |
Tatsumi Yamada | |
Wei-Guo Zhang |
1 | IAS 37 Provisions, Contingent Liabilities and Contingent Assets defines executory contracts as contracts under which neither party has performed any of its obligations or both parties have partially performed their obligations to an equal extent. (back) |