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Why we work with regulators

The IFRS Foundation was founded on the belief that better information supports better economic and investment decisions. As a public interest organisation, we work to achieve this vision through the development of high-quality, understandable, enforceable and globally accepted accounting and sustainability disclosure standards that help investors and other market participants make economic decisions. The IFRS Foundation, therefore, works with those regulator organisations which are responsible for maintaining the efficiency of these capital markets around the world.

High-quality IFRS Standards:

  • help market regulators fulfil their investor protection mandate and promote investor confidence.
  • support prudential regulators in their work by helping to identify systemic risks and weakness within the financial system.
  • provide a range of enforcers with a common basis for financial reporting on which to structure their work.

Regulators have substantial direct knowledge of financial reporting and working relationships with issuers within their jurisdictions. In our work with regulators we:

  • seek input from regulators throughout the standard-setting process to ensure IFRS Standards are capable of enforcement across a range of jurisdictions;
  • support them in their role in the adoption of IFRS Standards;
  • support them in the role that they play in supporting consistent application of IFRS Standards; and
  • raise awareness about new IFRS Standards and the materials and resources that we provide to support the implementation of those Standards.

How we work with regulators

International relationships

In support of our shared interest in the efficiency of capital markets, the IFRS Foundation works with various regulator organisations and their members in connection with our standard-setting and activities to support consistent application.

We have also entered into agreements with some of these organisations. Details of those agreements can be found below.

  • International Organization of Securities Commissions (IOSCO)
  • European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA)

Standards development

We welcome contributions from regulators in the development of new IFRS Standards. Regulators provide feedback to us through comment letters and outreach. View a list of consultations that are currently open for comment. 

Supporting consistent application

Regulators support the consistent application of IFRS Standards through their enforcement activities, and by raising awareness of new Standards and encouraging the readiness of issuers in their jurisdiction.

Supporting consistent application of IFRS Standards

The principle-based nature of IFRS Standards can sometimes lead to differences in the interpretation of how to apply those principles. Regulators alert us to these differences and application queries.

Some application queries regarding IFRS Accounting Standards are addressed by the IFRS Interpretations Committee (Interpretations Committee). Find out how to submit an Accounting Standard application query to the Interpretations Committee.

IFRS Accounting Standards Resources

Supporting consistent application

Access IFRS Accounting Standards, IFRIC Interpretations, official translations, and other authoritative guidance, illustrative examples and bases for conclusions via the IFRS Accounting Standards Navigator.

Materials available on the consistent application of IFRS Accounting Standards include:

Resources for jurisdictions and stakeholders

IFRS Sustainability Disclosure Standards Resources

Supporting consistent application

Access IFRS Sustainability Disclosure Standards (also known as ISSB Standards) and accompanying guidance via the IFRS Sustainability Standards Navigator

Find supporting materials for the IFRS Sustainability Disclosure Standards.

Resources for jurisdictions and stakeholders

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