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Alan Beller, Werner Brandt, Takafumi Sato and Kurt Schacht have been reappointed to serve a second three-year term as Trustees of the IFRS Foundation. Their new terms start 1 January 2018 and end 31 December 2020.

Mr Beller is Senior Counsel at law firm Cleary Gottlieb Steen & Hamilton LLP and a former Director of the Division of Corporate Finance at the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC).

Dr Brandt is the former CFO of SAP SE in Germany and has also served as a member of the Board of the Accounting Standards Committee (DRSC) of Germany.

Dr Sato is the President of the Japan Exchange Regulation and has previously served as Commissioner of the Financial Services Agency in Japan.

Mr Schacht is the Managing Director of CFA Institute in New York and the former Chairman of the US SEC’s Investor Advisory Committee.

The Trustees are responsible for the governance and oversight of the International Accounting Standards Board. They have a wide range of practical experience and come from all over the world.

Sheila Fraser, Vice-Chair of the Trustees and Chair of the Nominating Committee, said:

I am pleased that Alan, Werner, Takafumi and Kurt have all agreed to serve a second term as Trustees. Their varied backgrounds and experiences help the Trustees as a group execute their important governance role.