The CMAC was created as a body that would be independent of the IASB and the IFRS Foundation, with the specific aim to provide the IASB with regular input from the international community of users of financial statements.
The CMAC consists of members with extensive practical experience in analysing financial information and who are established commentators on accounting matters in their own right or through the representative bodies with which they are involved. Members are drawn from a variety of industry and geographical backgrounds and are selected by the CMAC on the merits of their professional competence as capital market participants using financial reporting information and their ability to represent capital market participants' views.
The CMAC meets with the IASB representatives three times a year in the IFRS Foundation office. One of those meetings is held jointly with the Global Preparers Forum (GPF). The meetings are held in public and an audio recording will be made available on the website shortly after the meeting finishes. Meeting material and access to the webcast is provided via the IASB meeting diary.
Members of the CMAC: